Your donation will make a difference in the lives of Richmond's children. Help us provide access to quality art education.
Everything is tax-deductible through our fiscal sponsor and makes an outsized impact thanks to our size.
Are you a business or corporate sponsor interested in supporting us?
We can create a customized sponsorship package tailored to your specific interests. Explore our sponsorship opportunities and create a customized package that benefits both you and our community.
Donate today and help us provide quality programming and resources to our youngest residents.
Any amount is appreciated, but here are some suggested amounts along with specific needs:
The studio always needs art supplies, such as paints, brushes, markers, paper, and clay. You can donate individual items or a set of supplies.
Suggested Amounts
$25: Can purchase a set of basic art supplies, such as markers, crayons, and construction paper.
$50: Can purchase a set of more specialized art supplies, such as paints and brushes.
$100: Can purchase a large set of art supplies that will last for several classes.
We work with local artists and early childhood teachers to create programming that is meaningful to the community. You can sponsor a teacher or local artist to ensure that they can continue to work with us.
Suggested Amounts
$500 - $1000: Can support instruction for one 6-week session
The studio also needs some equipment, such as easels, tables, and storage containers. You can donate individual pieces of equipment or a set.
Suggested Amounts
$50: Can purchase a set of storage containers.
$100: Can purchase a large piece of equipment, such as a child’s art easel.
$300: Can purchase an iPad tablet.
Other ways to show your support.
Volunteer Your Time
The studio is always looking for volunteers to help with a variety of tasks, such as leading art classes, helping with fundraising events, or organizing community outreach programs.
Spread the Word
Tell your friends and family about the studio and encourage them to get involved.
Children’s Art Studio Richmond / Taller de Arte Para Niños Richmond is fiscally sponsored by Independent Arts & Media, a 501(c) (3) nonprofit dedicated to building community through media and the arts. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.